Portuguese Charcuterie Board

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  • Serves: 1 Serving
  • Prep Time: 5 mins
  • Cooking: 0 mins
  • Total Time: 5 min

One of our favorite things about traveling is the food and new cuisine. The flavors you experience when traveling are so diverse and unique, it re-inspires us to try new things and get creative in the kitchen - keeping our minds open to new methods and culinary ways.

In Portugal, almost every meal begins with a charcuterie plate with local (emphasis on how local influences flavors and freshness - something we don't really get in the states) olives, olive oil, fleur de sel from the region (a more flaky, thin and delicate form of salt) and fresh bread. Sometimes cheeses and cured meats are included too. It's so delicious it could be a meal in itself. But the Portuguese are smart and provide a small portion for the table to share, and not fill up on, before the meal. We fell absolutely in love with how flavorful these little platers were and wanted to recreate one at home. Here's our take on our very own Portuguese Charcuterie Board on a beautiful cutting board gifted to us by very dear friends!



Portuguese Charcuterie Board

Enjoy with a glass of wine & good company.

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